Super busy taking Neon Shadow to be a PC quality FPS. Here is a WIP so far with a side by side comparison to our OUYA build of the game.
Neon Shadow best games nomination at Pocket Gamer UK!
TPG is happy to announce that Neon Shadow has been nominated in two catogories (Best iOS Game and Best Arcade / Action Game) at Pocket Gamer UK! Please vote for Neon Shadow and show ur love for ol’ school FPS’s!
Warning to all Animation / 3D / 2D Artist applicants
Tasty Poison Games will not review applicants with group project demo reels. All applicants must demonstrate individual skills that are related to the job being applied for. We lean more towards individuals with a wide variety of skills and above all a real love of video games is essential!
Neon Shadow 500th game on OUYA!
TPG is happy to announce that Neon Shadow was selected as the 500th game to be featured on the OUYA console. So far the online community has been great and the “Deathmatches” have been loads of fun! (I guess that says something when the devs are having fun?) Here is the amazing OUYA trailer of […]
Latest Neon Shadow Video
We’re very much in the throes of putting the finishing touches on this bad boy, but we thought we should give you all a little heads up on the progress that we’ve made so far. Play it in HD for optimal user experience. Not long now!
Exploring our options
Instead of reviving the classic ‘run-and-gun’ fun of the 90′s we’ve been thinking of reviving the classic ‘teenage-sexual-angst’ of the 90′s. What do you guys think? Perfect soundtrack already: ‘I don’t wanna wait for our lives to be over…’
Interview with James and Fil of “Neon Shadow” fame
In an exclusive interview with us here at the TPG blog (that’s a filthy lie, if you’re from the press we would LOVE to talk to you) James and Fil give us the scoop on our in-house game Neon Shadow. James constitutes the British contingent at Tasty Poison. He’s the programmer on “Neon Shadow” and […]
The challenges of programming split screen
James and Luke hard at work doing screen capture for split screen. Any physiotherapists out there willing to offer their services?
Neon Shadow now in smell-o-vision
Well… not quite yet, but we are working on it. In the meantime we’re super stoked to present Neon Shadow to you in split screen co-op on the iPad as well as split screen on the OUYA. Everybody at TPG can confirm that it is in fact pretty awesome and possibly even more exciting than […]
Neon Shadow – first glimpses
Things at TPG have been pretty busy over the last few weeks. All the game-making gnomes have been hard at work on a fun little shooter due to be released on mobile in about a month or so. Neon shadow is what happens when an artist and programmer get together and play old school shooters […]
- New look and features for Neon Shadow (Coming soon on Steams Early Access!) June 12, 2014
- Neon Shadow best games nomination at Pocket Gamer UK! February 19, 2014
- Warning to all Animation / 3D / 2D Artist applicants January 15, 2014
- Neon Shadow 500th game on OUYA! November 6, 2013
- Latest Neon Shadow Video September 11, 2013
- Neon Shadow – first glimpses July 10, 2013
- Pocket RPG Gameplay April 19, 2013
- Exploring our options August 21, 2013
- Neon Shadow 500th game on OUYA! November 6, 2013
- Neon Shadow best games nomination at Pocket Gamer UK! February 19, 2014